Stephen Ministry


What is Involved?

Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one care-giving ministry that provides Christ-centered care and support to those experiencing problems, concerns, or struggles. A Stephen Minister will:
  • Walk alongside someone who is hurting
  • Listen, care, and make no judgments
  • Pray, supports, and encourage
  • Meet faithfully with his or her care receiver for about one hour each week
  • Maintains confidentiality

What is Involved?

  • When someone needs a professional therapist; Stephen Ministers are not therapists, though they can work with a person who is already seeking this type of help, with the permission of the therapist
  • When you simply need a casual visitor; Stephen Ministers are trained listeners and are available to support people with problems
  • When you want someone to tell you how to solve a problem or situation; Stephen Ministers are care-givers, not cure-givers
  • When you need someone to run errands, provide meals, take you to appointments, etc.; Stephen Ministers are to offer support, prayer, hope, and encouragement
If you, or someone you care about, is interested in finding out more about Stephen Ministry, contact us; one of the Stephen Ministry leaders: