Financial Stewardship & Estate Planning

Save the Date

February 23rd

Learn More About Financial Stewardship and Estate Planning Sunday, February 23rd
Many people want to feel more stable financially or wish that they could give more to their children or to the causes they care about, but don’t know how to get started. The Lifetime Plan for Giving is a process offered by the LCMS Foundation to assist you in transferring the blessings God has given you to your family and favorite causes and ministries in the most efficient manner.
Michigan Gift Planning counselor, Julie Burgess, will be at St. Luke on Sunday, February 23, to share information about financial stewardship and planned giving for your estate during the Bible study time.  Julie will be available before and after services as well to answer questions or set up an appointment to have your estate plans reviewed or started. The best part is, thanks to the support of Michigan District, CEF and the LCMS Foundation, all of Julie’s services are absolutely FREE to our St. Luke church family! There is no fee, no commission, and no obligation involved in this process whatsoever. This is simply a service offered to Michigan District church members to assist our people in moving toward better financial health. Whether you are 18 or 80, please take advantage of Julie’s knowledge and resources so that you can start moving toward a healthy financial future today!