Abortion Recovery



24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr

Suite L 2200 | Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Helpline: 800-712-8863


ArborWoman Health is a life affirming OB/GYN and pregnancy clinic open Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm. Their mission is to provide quality, holistic care to all women who walk through their doors. They provide free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, options counseling, and parenting and fertility awareness classes. In addition, they offer prenatal and well woman care, seeking to provide women with medical care that respects and values their feminine genius in all stages of life.

Word of Hope

Phone: 888-217-8679


A ministry of Lutherans for Life. Offers services for counseling pre and post abortion. Word of Hope is a unique 24/7 national hotline devoted to intervening on behalf of life issues and imparting the value of all human life as divinely created and redeemed by Jesus Christ. Hotline callers are primarily men or women suffering for weeks, months, or years after participating in an abortion decision. At Word of Hope, we respond to suffering with love, mercy and confidential support, guiding each person with the Word toward reconciliation with God by the gift of faith in Christ alone.


Sidewalk Advocates for Life


Contact: Paul Dobrowski

This program offers a peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding sidewalk advocacy program that teaches you how to reach a woman’s heart and fill her needs so she can confidently choose life! Five-hour training workshops with opportunity for in-person training.


Life Chain


Life Chain is a compassionate, positive witness that all life is precious. Family friendly signs are available at all four corners. A $2 donation is appreciated to defray costs.


The Bible

God’s Word to the Nations and Lutherans for Life

Topical Index: Abortion, Adoption, Beginning of Life, Biotechnology, Christian Responsibility, Creation, End-of-Life Issues, Marriage and Sexuality, Prayers, Post-Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy, The Value of Human Life