Bible Studies


West Wing Study: Pastor Kyle is leading a deep-dive study on the Gospel of Matthew. Join us as we follow Jesus through this Gospel together, where we’ll observe how our Savior uses His authority in service and in suffering, how He displays radical grace to the foolhardy and hurting, and how this same Savior is with us still today.

Women’s Study: Lynn Corker and Libby Fink are leading a study geared toward women, in room 104/105. This year, we’ll explore the books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians.  A $20 study guide is available for this class.

Parents' Study: Andy VanEgmond is leading a study for all parents with children in the congregation, in room 101/102. We’ll discuss the Sheepfold lesson for the week and work to build a strong community of parents here at St. Luke, as we all navigate the tricky task of raising kids in the faith.

Nursery: 3-year-olds and younger
Sheepfold: 4-year-olds thru 5th Grade
Youth Group: 6th-12th Grade