March 29, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church March 29, 2024 Enews The Greatness of the Day One of my little sisters was just learning to talk when the song “Boney Fingers” started playing endlessly on the radio. She loved the song. When the song would come on the radio, she would stand up and belt out at the…

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March 24, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church March 24, 2024 Enews What do you see?  A Palm Sunday Meditation The crowds on that first Palm Sunday wanted a Warrior King, but Jesus came as a suffering Messiah, as one who would die on a cross for the sake of humankind. The crowd missed the point. The crowd thought…

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February 25, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church February 25, 2024 Enews The Wrath of God If you are reading along with us in our journey through the Bible, you would have read of several events that you might have found disturbing. I’m talking about the times that God’s reactions to something we might call a mistake seemed out…

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February 18, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church February 18, 2024 Enews Blessed Beyond Words Our readings this week included Numbers 6:24-26 which contains the familiar words of blessing spoken at the end of most of our worship services.  We call the blessing the Aaronic blessing and it is often spoken with these words:  “The LORD bless you and…

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February 11, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church February 11, 2024 Enews Hitting the Wall In virtually every worthy endeavor there is a wall that must be overcome.  It may be a wall that can only be overcome through endurance, it may be a wall that is overcome by brute force.  The book of Leviticus, and to a lesser…

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February 4, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church February 4, 2024 Enews A Stiff-Necked People  Exodus 32 I was a young child when I first heard the phrase, “Stiff-Necked People.”  I was confused for some time.  I remembered my grandfather waking from a nap complaining that his neck was stiff.  I remembered my mother complaining one morning that her…

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January 26, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church January 26, 2024 Enews Never was Heard a Discouraging Word- Exodus 15:24 When I read about the Israelite’s journey through the wilderness, I can’t help but here that old Western folk song, “Home on the Range.”  Dr. Brewster Higley wrote the lyrics as a poem in 1872 or 1873 titled, “My…

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January 20, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church January 20, 2024 Enews The Power of God’s Choice I’m writing this article on Wednesday, the day that we completed our reading of the book of Genesis if you have been reading through the Bible with me.  In chapter 49 of Genesis, Israel blesses his sons.  The twelve sons of Israel…

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January 13, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church January 13, 2024 Enews Through the Bible – Jacob’s All Nighter- Genesis 32:22-32 If you are reading through the Bible with the rest of us, we will have gone from creation to Jacob’s wrestling match with God by the end of the two weeks of readings.  The Bible contains many strange…

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January 6, 2024

St. Luke Lutheran Church January 7, 2024 Enews Merry Xmas: God Revealed in Forgiveness This is our last sermon in the short series in which we have examined Greek words that begin with the letter Chi (X).  We end the series looking at God revealed to us in forgiveness.  From this side of Christ’s resurrection, it is…

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