December 31, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church December 31, 2023 Enews Merry Xmas:  Revealing God I am willing to bet that all of us have had the feeling, you are really hungry, but you have a craving for something.  You can put your finger on what you want, but you feel like you desperately need the thing you…

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December 24, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church December 24, 2023 Enews Merry Xmas: Christ In Us A friend of mine in college had an interesting poster above his bed in the dorm.  At the center of the poster was a small knight in armor.  The knight had a sword raise in one hand and a shield in blocking…

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December 16, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church December 16, 2023 Enews God Revealed: The Lord of Time We begin our short journey through the Chi’s (pronounced kai’s) of the New Testament.  Chi looks like an “X.”  In the Greek language it is the first letter in the title, Christ.  We are using the letter X to remind us…

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December 9, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church December 9, 2023 Enews Fellowship – 2 Corinthians 9:13  This Sunday we wrap-up our Better Together sermon series.  I hope and pray that our community of faith would be a place of shelter, hope, and encouragement for all who gather.  A final building block for a strong community is generosity.  The…

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December 3, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church December 3, 2023 Enews Your Value – Ephesians 4:16 This past week I heard a devotion in which the author shared that her grandfather and uncle once had a scheme that they believed would certainly make them millions.  Their idea was to gather dirt from historical sites and sell small capuls of…

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November 26, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church November 26, 2023 Enews Be United with One Another – 1 Thessalonians 5:11-13 Lately, we’ve been discussing what it means for the church to be a community, and how we can build and maintain a sense of community in our congregation. This is an important topic because the social bonds that…

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November 19, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church November 19, 2023 Enews The Peace of God Guard Your Hearts and Minds- Romans 12:18 Peace and unity are connected in the community of believers.  Peace is not just the absence of conflict; it is the presence of unity.  Unity describes the bond of commitment we have for each other.  Our…

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November 12, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church November 12, 2023 Enews Serve One Another- Galatians 5:13-14 Last week we introduced our new sermon series by talking about the importance of bearing with one another.  We were challenged to do more than tolerate others, we are to embrace them as our dearly loved brother or sister.  Love in the…

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November 5, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church November 5, 2023 Enews Accept One Another – Col. 3:12-14 Have you ever noticed the mental gymnastics that we use to excuse sin in our own lives?  I’m not talking about the simple sight of hand we use in everyday life.  You know the kind I’m talking about- “It’s not really…

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October 29, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church October 29, 2023 Enews Hidden Agendas – Romans 16:17-23 This Sunday we will complete our study of the book of Romans with the portion of Romans 16 that addresses divisions in the church.  To be more precise, we will focus on Paul’s warning about divisive people.  Paul wrote, “I urge you, brothers…

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