Enews October 22, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church October 22, 2023 Enews Abounding In Hope   Romans 15:8-13 The conflict between Israel and Palestine have generated countless pictures and videos of suffering and despair.  Too often the images are staged or taken out of context to advance one side of the other.  So, I don’t want to mention which side…

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Enews October 13, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church October 13, 2023 Enews Website Facebook YouTube The Nature of our Godly Life in Christ- Romans 14:13-23 This Sunday’s section of Romans contains several powerful statements.  In verse 13 Paul tells us to “Stop passing judgement on one another.” In verse 14 Paul states, “nothing is unclean in itself.”  In verse…

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Enews October 6, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church October 6, 2023 Enews Website Facebook YouTube   What’s Next?  Romans 13:1-8 I recently learned something about myself that I don’t really like.  The Michigan District executives met in a fall retreat.  Part of the retreat was a personality inventory.  One aspect of my personality profile is that I might have…

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Enews September 29, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church September 29, 2023 Enews   Website Facebook YouTube A Living Sacrifice – Romans 12:1-2; 9-18 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform…

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Enews September 22, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church September 22, 2023 Enews   Website Facebook YouTube A Taste of What’s to Come… Romans 10:1-4 My father wanted me to be a basketball player.  He wanted me to love sports.  He even put-up a basketball hoop at our house.  He encouraged me to practice dribbling and shooting baskets.  I wanted…

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Enews September 15, 2023

St. Luke Lutheran Church October 6, 2023 Enews   Website Facebook YouTube A Taste of What’s to Come… This Sunday we will be looking at Romans 9:14-21.  This section of Scripture touches on a very challenging concept for most Christians – the Scandal of Particularity.  The phrase most often refers to the fact that God…

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