St. Luke Lutheran Church
December 3, 2023

Your Value - Ephesians 4:16
This past week I heard a devotion in which the author shared that her grandfather and uncle once had a scheme that they believed would certainly make them millions.  Their idea was to gather dirt from historical sites and sell small capuls of it to the public.  The author thought it was a crazy idea.  About ten years later, the author’s father received a set of coasters with a tiny container of soil from the original Yankee stadium enclosed in the center.  It was one his prized possessions.
It is often said that the value of a thing is what someone is willing to pay.  If that is the case, we are priceless.  The Lord God Almighty gave His only begotten Son to buy our freedom.  He did that while we were still His enemies.  When we are feeling down and overwhelmed by the hardship of life, we can remember that in our Heavenly Father’s eyes we are precious and greatly loved.
Recognizing the value of others is an important community building trait.  We tend to under value others.  I know this is a temptation for me in my marriage.  Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one keeping the house going.  Because I am keenly aware of my sacrifices, I don’t take the time to notice those of my wife.  I become resentful and can fall into the trap of a simmering anger.  This Sunday we will be discussing the importance of valuing those around us.  When we take time to value others, we gain a greater appreciation for the body of Christ.  More importantly, we can encourage those around us with our appreciation and gratitude.  Please join us this Sunday as we lean to value others.
Wednesday Night Advent Worship and Soup Suppers
Join us on December 6th, 13th, and 20th for Wednesday Night Advent Worship and Soup Suppers.  Dinner will take place in the West Wing each week at 6pm, followed by worship in the West Wing at 7pm.  This annual tradition is a great way to grow relationships and prepare your heart for Christmas.  We’re asking you to help out by bringing soup, bread, salad, or a dessert.  If you are providing food please drop it off no later than 6 PM.  We hope to see you there!  Click hereto sign up.
St. Luke Church is continuing its annual process of nominating and affirming our church leaders. Our bylaws require that congregational officers, the SLC, and the Elders stand for affirmation by the congregation each year. The four congregational officers are the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The SLC consists of the four congregational officers, three at-large members, and the senior pastor (a non-voting member). The SLC oversees the general ministry of the congregation. The Board of Elders oversees the pastoral care of congregational members.

Here are all the nominated candidates:

President: Chad Woltemath
Vice President: Julie Dunmire
Secretary: Libby Fink
Treasurer: Allen Morgan
At-Large: Ellen Davis
At-Large: Chad Hayes
At-Large: Johnnie Jackson

Board of Elders:
Andy Smith
Jim Putz
John Nees
Fred Himebaugh
Ron McCarty
Ken Pingel
O’Neill Young
Don Kuck
Emeka Egwim

The election will occur Sunday, December 10 and Sunday, December 17, both between services and after the late service. Tables will be set up in the lobby outside of the sanctuary. Candidate bios will be available to review at the tables and can also be reviewed online here. We look forward to all current voting-age (18+) members stopping by the tables to cast their ballots!

Please also continue to pray for discernment and wisdom for all our current leaders and for those up for election for lay leadership positions at St. Luke.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Jones or any of the members of the Nominating Committee: Andy VanEgmond, Karla Chapman, Sherrill Derksen, and John Nees. Since this is an annual process, please feel free to reach out to any

Fall 2023 Bible Studies Sept. 10 - Dec. 10
West Wing Study: We’ll be utilizing a number of studies from Lutheran Hour Ministries. The topics include: Life Together, Martin Luther, Forgiveness, and God in Worship. This study will be led by a variety of people including Pastor Todd and our elders.

Women’s Study: Lynn Corker and Libby Fink will be leading a study geared toward women, in room 104/105. This year, we’ll explore what it means that God is with us now, and we’ll trace this promise of His presence from the lost garden of Genesis to the garden city of Revelation, where we will dwell with the Lord forever. A $20 study guide is available for this class.

Parent’s Study: Andy VanEgmond will lead a study for all parents with children in the congregation, in room 101/102. We’ll discuss the Sheepfold lesson for the week and work to build a strong community of parents here at St. Luke, as we all navigate the tricky task of raising kids in the faith.

Nursery: 3-year-olds and younger

Sheepfold: 4-year-olds thru 5th Grade

Youth Group: 6th-12th Grade

Christmas Giving Tree 2023
This year we will be supporting 3 organizations:

  • Wellspring Lutheran Services is a merger of Lutheran Child and Family Services, Lutheran Homes (for Seniors), and Lutheran Refugee Services with offices and residential facilities throughout Michigan.Sign-up Genius
  • Hope Clinic is a Christian agency in Ypsilanti that provides free medical and dental services, a food bank, and other services for low-income people in our community.
  • Circles Program is having a dramatic impact on moving families out of poverty. It matches a person in poverty with middle or upper-income partners for at least 18 months. These relationships help break the cycle of generational poverty by assisting families to create their own personal paths out of poverty and achieve economic independence.

Due to the success of last year’s program, Wellspring Lutheran Service is again asking for monetary gifts that they will then use to buy gift cards to give to buy gift cards to give to families for their own Christmas shopping.  Hope Clinic is asking for monetary gifts to help support their ongoing services to the community plus Christmas gift bags with candy canes and other items (see details below).  The Circles Program is asking for monetary gifts to purchase gingerbread house kits to be used at their Christmas party (see details below).

Monetary Gifts
To make a monetary gift through St. Luke, bring or mail a check to church that is made out to St. Luke and indicate on the memo “Giving Tree”.  Or online – use the fund called “Christmas Giving Tree” on the St. Luke website and the St. Luke app under “Give”.   No amount is too small, and together, St. Luke will make this Christmas special for so many families!   We will split the monetary gifts received between these organizations.  Please have all monetary gifts to St. Luke by December 3..

The ornaments on the Christmas Giving Tree will be changed from red to silver to reflect the amount received each week.

Hope Clinic Gift Bags
Hope Clinic is asking for small Christmas gift bags with the following items:
-One Christmas microwavable mug
-12 candy canes
-One box of non-caffeinated tea bags
-Pocket-sized tissues or hand sanitizer

Due to the generosity of the entire community last year, the Hope Clinic was overwhelmed with gift bags. So, this year they are restricting the number of gift bags to be delivered and have asked people and organizations to commit in advance to the number they will bring. We have set up a Sign-up Genius for our members to indicate how many they will provide. Just click on the link in the e-news announcement to sign up.  Please bring the gift bags to St. Luke by December 3.

Circles Families Gifts
The Circles program is planning a Christmas party that will include assembling and decorating gingerbread houses by each of the 19 families currently involved in the program. So that each family will have the same “building materials,” we will purchase the kits plus extra “materials” for decorating. You can simply make a monetary donation as described previously.

Through the Giving Tree last year, we provided over $5000 to these organizations to make Christmas special for the families they work with.  This year, the need is just as great – let’s surpass what we gave last year as we come together as the body of Christ to shine His light in this world!  Any amount you can give will make that light shine even brighter this Christmas!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Rotating Homeless Shelter Program Update
St. Luke will once again be hosting the rotating homeless shelter program ran by the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County.  Our weeks begin December 25, 2023 and January 15, 2024.

We will need volunteers for the following areas:

  • Meals for the men each night
  • Overnight hosts - Sign up here to be an overnight host
  • Towel laundry

Allen and Sharon Morgan have coordinated/managed St. Luke’s participation with the rotating homeless shelter for many years and are looking for a person, couple, or group who would be willing to shadow them this year and then take the reins for the 2024/2025 season.

See here for more information.  Please contact Allen with any questions or to volunteer for meals, towel laundry, or if you are interested in coordinating the rotating homeless shelter next season.

Peace Light
The Peace Light will arrive in United States, JFK International Airport, Jamaica Queens, NY on Friday, December 3th, 2023. Ceremony to distribute peace flame will commence soon after arrival and greeting of Peace light couriers, via Austrian Airlines flight from Vienna, Austria. Scouts and Scouters associated with the Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts will be transferring the light across the United States and sharing it in their communities after its arrival in the U.S.

The Peace Light from Bethlehem campaign was originally organized in 1986 by the Austrian Broadcasting Company - ORF (Linz) - and was part of a large charitable relief mission -Light into Darkness, for children in need in Austria and abroad. Since 1989, there has been a great deal of co-operation between Scouts and Guides in many countries, which has allowed the light to travel throughout Europe.

Each year, a child from Upper Austria fetches the light from the grotto in Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The light is then flown to Austria from where it is distributed at a Service of Dedication to delegations from across Europe who take it back, with a message of Peace, to their own countries for use at ecumenical services throughout the Continent. Scouts and Guides can then take the light on to houses of worship, hospitals, homeless shelters, old people homes, prisons, and places of public, cultural and political importance - to anybody who appreciates the significance of the "gift".

BSA Troop 446 from Saline Michigan will be hosting and distributing the Peace Light throughout the Saline and Ann Arbor Area.   St Luke Lutheran Church at 4205 Washtenaw Ave. will host the light and have it available on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings from December 10th through the 25th.  If you would like to make other arrangements, please reach out to @Troop 446 Saline on Facebook.

55 ALIVE December Meeting
Musical Christmas with Nate Zuellig

Date:  Monday, December 18th
Time: 11:30a - 2:00p
Location: St Luke Ann Arbor, West Wing

55 Alive is the senior ministry for St. Luke and area churches. Though mainly comprised of folks 55 and older, anyone is welcome! For our December meeting we are celebrating a musical Christmas with ULC's Artist-in-Residence and musician Nate Zuellig. We will share a Christmas feast featuring a turkey and would love for each of you to bring a potluck dish to share. Let Arthur know you're coming and what you're bringing .

Daughters on Mission fundraiser
We are doing a fundraiser for mites and registration expenses for our delegate for the Michigan district convention. Aubree’s   has agreed to donate 20% of receipts to our LWML group for all who show flyer or mention fundraiser at both the Whittaker road and Cross street on Dec 3, 2023. Hope you can join in at Aubree’s! View flyer for more information.
Homes For The Holidays
A very special event is being planned for Saturday night, December 9 from 4:00 - 10:00pm It’s called: Homes For The Holidays. An opportunity for St Lukers to get to know each other better while enjoying appetizers and dessert in the homes of several of our members who have decorated for Christmas. This event is for adults only age 18+..  Cost is each person or couple will bring an appetizer, or dessert to share. How to register:  a table will be available In the lobby at church after each service on Sundays November 19 and November 26 or you can email Lynn Wrightson.

You don’t want to miss this fun, enjoyable evening. Questions? Contact Lynn Wrightson.

Poinsettia Orders Due December 5 
We are taking orders for fresh poinsettia plants that will be used to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. Please consider offering a plant as a Memorial or to give thanks to God. Order forms are available at the Welcome Center or online. Orders are due December 5!
Lutheran Witness Subscription
It is time to re-subscribe or subscribe to The Lutheran Witness at a discounted rate. The Lutheran Witness is the official periodical of The Lutheran Church¬¬—Missouri Synod and is published 11 times a year. It provides Missouri Synod laypeople with stories and information that complement congregational life, foster personal growth in faith, and help interpret the contemporary world from a Lutheran Christian perspective. Subscriptions ordered through St. Luke will include the Michigan In Touch supplement. The new subscription year doesn’t begin until March 2024, but orders need to be in the church office by December 10, 2023, to take advantage of a discounted district rate of $19.00/year. Payment for subscriptions can be made to St. Luke Lutheran Church, Ann Arbor. Please be sure your payment is designated for The Lutheran Witness and include the mailing address that the magazine should be sent to. Please contact Susan Jones  or  if you have any questions.
Submit a Prayer Request
Submit a Care Request
Submit Items for the Enews
Office Hours
The office doors will be monitored by the staff from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday. If you wish to enter the building during that window, ring the doorbell to the left of the door and wait for a response. Alternatively, you can call the office and make an appointment with someone on staff.

You can connect with Pastor Todd either by email or cell phone 734-213-4256.

Livestream Worship
There are two different methods for watching our worship livestream. Services are simultaneously streaming on Facebook and YouTube
Sunday Morning Worship Times
8:30 a.m. Living Heritage Service
9:45 a.m. Bible Study / Sunday School Hour
11:00 a.m. Living Praise Service

Church Office
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Phone: 734.971.0550