St. Luke Lutheran Church
January 20, 2024

The Power of God's Choice
I’m writing this article on Wednesday, the day that we completed our reading of the book of Genesis if you have been reading through the Bible with me.  In chapter 49 of Genesis, Israel blesses his sons.  The twelve sons of Israel or Jacob would become the twelve tribes of Israel of the nation of Israel.  The nation of Israel was God’s chosen people, yet they were not perfect people.  Jacob, their father, knew they were not perfect people.  We can see how clearly Israel understood the flaws of his sons when he gathered them to receive the blessing, he had prepared for each of them.  Notice the “blessing” given to the eldest, “Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, and the first fruits of my strength, preeminent in dignity and preeminent in power. Unstable as water, you shall not have preeminence, because you went up to your father's bed; then you defiled it” Genesis 49:3-4   On the one hand Reuben was praised for his strength.  On the other hand, his lust for power and his impatience would be his undoing.   The next two are called out as murderers; worse than murderers, they showed cruelty by crippling their enemy’s cows.  In his blessing, Israel calls out Issachar, not for his cruelty or violence but for his lack of ambition.  He would become a slave because he would choose the easy path. Yet, the undeniable truth is that God chose this broken and dysfunctional family.  In fact, God chose to give His only begotten Son, Jesus, life on earth through this family.  In the midst of the corruption, the violence, and the broken hopes and dreams of this family, the kingdom of God presses forward toward the salvation of humanity.

While much could be said from this simple truth, I hope that you find encouragement.  I hope that you are encouraged to know that God has chosen you, even with your flaws.  God has chosen you to be His ambassador to a dying world.  Our flaws and failures do not diminish God’s love for each one of us.  The good news that we have been chosen to share is this simple but powerful truth: God has chosen you for greater things.  Our future success rests in His choice to use us, not in our holiness as God’s people.  Because God has chosen you, rest in His peace knowing that God will accomplish His purpose in you.

Through The Bible
It’s not too late to join us as we read through the Bible in 2024.  Yes, we have started the challenge, but you can still hop on the Bible Reading Train.  Just go to and start reading the Bible reading for today.  You can complete the challenge by circling back to the start of Genesis in 2025 and complete the week that was missed.  Don’t forget, if you have a question you would like discussed in the Bible Class Hour, go to and post a question using the web form.
Life Light Bible Study
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth   O that we were there!

Imagine if you could place yourself at the very beginning. It's not humanly possible of course. But, we hope you'll consider starting this New Year with a journey through the beginning of Holy Scripture i.e. the Book of Genesis.

Starting Monday February 5, 2024 St. Luke will offer an in depth and intentional study of the Word of God through a program called Life Light. For those who desire a deeper study of the Scriptures, Life Light will offer a broader time frame than is available in the typical Sunday morning adult Bible class. The LifeLight program assumes a level of commitment that will bring participants to each of the nine weekly assemblies having read the assigned readings and attempted to answer the daily study questions. These daily readings and study will require from 15 to 30 minutes for the five days preceding the LifeLight small group gathering. The day following the gathering will be spent reviewing the previous week’s study by going over the completed study questions and the enrichment magazine.

This new group will be meeting on Monday evenings, from 7-8:30PM from Feb. 5th through June 10th at St. Luke. This winter and spring we will be covering the book of Genesis. Register here.

January 21 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday!  

We celebrate God’s precious gift of life  to each one of us. He made us Just As we are. David used intimate language, “You alone created my inner being,” the very depth of who you are, Ps. 139:13; and then “You knitted me together inside my mother.” God wove a covering for you, Just as He does for every human person, born and unborn. Please visit the Lutherans For Life display in the ministry hall to pick up Life Date, the inspiring Lutherans for Life  Quarterly publication Just As I Am, the story behind the composition of this well-known hymn. Life Week 2024, Just As…I AM, the full week’s life ministry coverage, including, Christa Petzold: Just As….I AM for Blessing and Service Please take some time this week to remember our little sisters and brothers lost to abortion. Please pray for their families and for our country to protect all human life from conception to natural death. Also ask our Gracious Father to help us  show generous concern for those who may consider abortion their only option.

A heartfelt Thank You to everyone who just stepped up and helped clean up after the Epiphany Brunch.

It really helped a lot and is much appreciated

Call Committee Update
We are in the process of interviewing four pastors this week. Please pray for discernment for us and for the pastors we are interviewing.
St. Luke Nametags
We are getting ready to place another nametag order. If you would like to order a nametag, please email   by Sunday, January 21.
Offering Envelopes
If you are currently not receiving offering envelopes but would like to, please contact Susan Jones (email or call 734.971.0550).
Seeking Communication’s Team Members
Do you love to write, take pictures, or produce graphic art?  If you do, we value your participation in the communications team that we are forming in January. Depending on the number of people and the skill set, the team will help with the production of enews articles, social media posts, and website content.  Don’t let technology intimidate you.  Most of what the team will do is take pictures and write stories.  No special equipment is needed.  If you are interested send an email to pastor Jones at .
Back by popular demand . . .
for your

When you got married, the two of you became an US. While every US is different,
there is one thing every US needs—time. Your US needs time to simply be
together because it gives you space to laugh and connect. That’s what this date
night is all about—no therapy—just fun and connection. So begin your “time for your US”
by picking up a Date Night Kit on one of the dates below at:
St. Luke Lutheran Church
4205 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

            Saturday, January 13th, 2024 between 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Sunday, January 14th, 2024 between 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Sunday, January 21st, 2024 between 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
        Date Night reminder:
  • Schedule your date night to happen within two weeks of picking up your "Kit".
  • You and your spouse plan your own date details
  • As you drive off for your date, open your "Date Night Kit" and follow the instructions in the order given.
  • Enjoy your date! Have Fun! This is “time for your US”!
Even though paying for your night out is not part of the deal, partial babysitting reimbursement is still available upon request. Please do not hesitate to fill out the form when picking up your Kit!
Comedy Night
GET YOUR TICKETS: Take time to relax and laugh after the busy holiday season. Saturday, January 27 at 7:30pm St. Luke will be hosting comedian Andy Beningo! Check out one of his bits here. Tickets are only $10. Purchase tickets here. Invite your friends! Andy is hailed for his clean and "every man" style, Andy has been named one of the 40 Best Up and Coming Comedians in the country.
Submit a Prayer Request
Submit a Care Request
Submit Items for the Enews
Office Hours
The office doors will be monitored by the staff from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday. If you wish to enter the building during that window, ring the doorbell to the left of the door and wait for a response. Alternatively, you can call the office and make an appointment with someone on staff.

You can connect with Pastor Todd either by email or cell phone 734-213-4256.