St. Luke Lutheran Church
September 29, 2023


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A Living Sacrifice - Romans 12:1-2; 9-18

12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

What does Paul mean by the phrase “A Living Sacrifice”? It could mean a sacrifice that does not involve death; a sacrifice that is about life rather than the spilling of blood.  It could mean it is a sacrifice that we make by living in contrast to a sacrifice that is made through one time through the presentation of a gift.  While both options are viable, I believe there is a third that should be considered. The sacrifices of the Old Testament, particularly the sin offerings and guilt offerings were made by people condemned to die because of their sin.  The sacrifices of the Old Testament were offered in the hope for eternal life in the future.  In contrast, the sacrifices we make today are living because we make them as people who have obtained eternal life; people who are alive through Christ and no longer under condemnation.  The Roman Christians would have been familiar with the Old Testament sacrifices and Paul is showing how they express gratitude and dependance on God’s mercy as those who have been forgiven.  His challenge to “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice” is our challenge to express faith through a life of sacrifice.  Please join us this Sunday as we grow in our understanding of what it means to be a living sacrifice.

- Pastor Todd Jones

Please continue to pray for the calling of a senior pastor
Let us be in continual prayer for Pastor Spaulding as he seeks his Father’s will, how he will serve in this life given to him.Thank You Father for Your servant, Ben.  Holy Spirit quicken his heart that he can hear clearly. Remember his family, congregation and lead pastor as they consider possible change in the near future. We pray Thy will be done for all of them and for all of us at St. Luke that we may serve You according to Your purposes. We want what You want so we pray You would work in us a delight in You that our hearts align with Yours. Remove from us any wayward thoughts that take us down paths that stray us away from desiring and seeking You alone. Jesus, Your love is so complete. Fill us with the awareness of Your presence in our midst that we receive that love by which, we pray, the world would know us. And may that love bind us together in unity, desire and purpose.  It is in Your Holy Name we humbly, reverently pray. Amen
Meet Pastor Ben Spaulding!
On Sunday, October 8th, please join us after the 11 a.m. service for an all-congregation lunch, hosted by the fellowship committee, to meet Pastor Ben Spaulding and his family. We recently extended a call to Pastor Ben to serve as our next pastor, and he would welcome the opportunity to engage with the St. Luke community as he prayerfully considers our call. He and his family will join us for worship at both services that day. Please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome!
Fall 2023 Bible Studies Sept. 10 - Dec. 10
West Wing Study: We’ll be utilizing a number of studies from Lutheran Hour Ministries. The topics include: Life Together, Martin Luther, Forgiveness, and God in Worship. This study will be led by a variety of people including Pastor Todd and our elders.Women’s Study: Lynn Corker and Libby Fink will be leading a study geared toward women, in room 104/105. This year, we’ll explore what it means that God is with us now, and we’ll trace this promise of His presence from the lost garden of Genesis to the garden city of Revelation, where we will dwell with the Lord forever. A $20 study guide is available for this class.Parent’s Study: Andy VanEgmond will lead a study for all parents with children in the congregation, in room 101/102. We’ll discuss the Sheepfold lesson for the week and work to build a strong community of parents here at St. Luke, as we all navigate the tricky task of raising kids in the faith.

Revelation Study: Pastor Carl DeMeritt will lead a study on the book of Revelation, in room 106. Join Pastor DeMerritt as he guides us through this important book of the Bible.

St. Luke Membership Class
Pastor Jones will be leading a series of membership classes starting this September 10 and running through October 1. The classes will be held in the Pastor's Office during the Sunday morning Bible class hour. Those who have not been confirmed in the Lutheran Church need to complete the class before they are eligible to be received into membership at St. Luke.

Nursery: 3-year-olds and younger

Sheepfold: 4-year-olds thru 5th Grade

Youth Group: 6th-12th Grade

The Chosen Watch Party, Season 2
The Chosen is an engaging look at the life of Christ through the eyes of His followers. It doesn’t attempt to recreate the Scriptures verbatim. It does provide one person’s perspective on what it might have been like to follow Jesus. The episodes help us to ponder the life of Christ in new and fresh ways. If you’ve not seen the series or would like to see them with friends in Christ, join us this October as we watch season two of The Chosen. The plan is to start the watch party with the first two episodes of Season 2 at 5:30 p.m. on October 5. We will have some popcorn. Feel free to bring something to drink or snacks to share.
Did you know the month of October shares two celebrations?
LWML Sunday and Pastor AppreciationThis year we will be celebrating not only 81 years of LWML, but also showing our appreciation for the entire St Luke staff. LWML will be assembling gift bags for staff members.  You can help by contributing Thank You cards.Come visit the LWML table in the ministry hall for more information.
We Appreciate Your Help
We are seeking volunteers to assist us with our two worship services.  We are in need of volunteers to help with the Sunday services in the following ways:

  • Singers to assist with the praise service.
  • Instrumentalist to play in either service.
  • Computer operators to assist with the in-worship media and livestream technologies.
  • People who are comfortable with social media and skilled at writing to assist with our social media profiles.
  • Photographers to assist in our social media accounts and our web presence.
  • People to assist with the paraments and communion set-up and take down.

If you would like to help, please send an email to the with your name and the areas that you are available to assist.  We will connect you to the appropriate person for training.

“In the margin of life is grace... In the margin is connection... In the margin is laughter.” - Ted Lowe

Have you ever wished you and your spouse had this “margin” in your marriage? Or wondered how the two of you could create Time for Your US?

Then you are invited to come and enjoy an evening out with other couples who are looking for answers to those exact same questions. Your evening includes hors d'oeuvres, desserts, games, fun and laughter, prizes, and a guest speaker who will share insights on how to create Time for Your US. So be sure to save the date:

Married People Fall Event
St. Luke Lutheran Church
Saturday, September 30th, 2023
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

All married couples, friends, co-workers, relatives, and neighbors are invited, so spread the word!

To register and purchase your ticket ($15/couple) for this wonderful one-night event, click here to sign up.

*Partial babysitting cost reimbursement is also an option upon request on the registration form.* If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Darragh at (734) 904-8580 or Rick Darragh at (734) 904-8581.

Office Administrative Assistant Sought
We are seeking an office administrative assistant to work part-time
from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The position will be responsible for answering phones, interacting with the public as they visit the church during the week, and assisting in the clerical duties associated with our communications. Please contact Susan Jones at if you are interested in learning more about the position. Please pass along the information to someone you know who might be a good fit.
How to Create a Tech-Ready Home: Embracing the Tension between Careful, Countercultural, and Confident (Parents and Caring Adults, 14+)

You’re invited to come learn from the internet safety experts at Protect Young Eyes!

St. Paul Lutheran Church (420 West Liberty Street)
Tuesday, October 10, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Click here for more information
LWML Fall Rally - “Taste and See”????
Lutheran Women In Mission will meet at Living Water Church on Saturday, September 30 for a Fall Rally featuring Mary Moro, Director of Mission Opportunities Short Term (MOST), as guest speaker. The program will begin at 9:00 a.m. with registration and coffee/pastries served at 8:30 a.m. You can look forward to dynamic worship and insight into the wonderful world of short-term mission trips!  Please bring pairs of non-prescription sunglasses as an Ingathering for MOST Ministries. Noon lunch is included. Suggested donation at the door is $5.00 per person. Living Water is located at 200 Barker Road, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189. RSVP to Linda Murdock.

Sunday, October 1, from 2:00-3:30 PM
Intersection of Washtenaw and Huron ParkwayBe the Connection Between Crisis and Care
Life Chain is a positive, public pro-life demonstration promoting the value of all human life. We'll line the intersection, holding positive pro-life signs.Join us to help women dealing with crisis pregnancies discover the great support available locally.

 Be a witness: Pro-Life people are here to help!

Positive signs available on site. Donations deeply appreciated.
Please don't park in the lots of open businesses.

Click here to view the Life Chain flyer.

Attend the 2023 Michigan March for Life!
Join us and our partner, Right to Life of Michigan, for the MI March for Life at the Michigan Capitol Building in Lansing on November 8th, 2023.Click here to view the flyer and click here to sign up for the charter bus.
Martin Luther's Evening Supper, Sunday, October 22
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Taylor, MI,  is inviting you to celebrate 14 years of Martin Luther’s Evening Prayer (their radio/podcast ministry) at a fund-raising dinner SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, from 5pm to 7pm at St. John’s, 13115 Telegraph Rd., Taylor MI 48180.  For more information, click here.
CEF Loan Processor
Church Extension Fund is a ministry-based financial institution located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with total loans outstanding exceeding $160 Million. CEF seeks qualified candidates for the position of Loan Processor. This position handles all facets of loan processing, post-closing loan functions and monitoring of open loan accounts. The position reports to and assists the CEF Assistant VP-Loan Manager. Opportunities for advancement exist. A complete job description is available on CEF’s website: Applicants should mail or email a cover letter with resume and any salary requirements no later than October 31, 2023 to: Ms. Kris Nowak – Executive Assistant, Church Extension Fund, 3773 Geddes Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, .
Submit a Prayer Request
Submit a Care Request
Submit Items for the Enews
Office Hours
The office doors will be monitored by the staff from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday. If you wish to enter the building during that window, ring the doorbell to the left of the door and wait for a response. Alternatively, you can call the office and make an appointment with someone on staff.You can connect with Pastor Todd either by email or cell phone 734-213-4256.
Livestream Worship
There are two different methods for watching our worship livestream. Services are simultaneously streaming on Facebook and YouTube
Sunday Morning Worship Times
8:30 a.m. Living Heritage Service
9:45 a.m. Bible Study / Sunday School Hour
11:00 a.m. Living Praise ServiceChurch Office
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Phone: 734.971.0550
Copyright © 2023 St. Luke Lutheran Church, All rights reserved.
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St. Luke Lutheran Church

4205 Washtenaw Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48108